A big day for Logan, yesterday was his last day in the Infants room at daycare -- he starts in Toddlers on Monday. He's spent the last four weeks "transitioning", where he spends more and more time in Toddlers, getting used to the new room, teachers and older kids (though Logan does know some of the others from when they were in Infants).
For the last week, Logan's pretty much spent all day in the Toddlers and apparently likes watching the trains go past. He seems to have really settled in the new room, it's Mummy who seems to need counselling -- Logan will be 18 months old on Tuesday.
Our Chicklings
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Finding time to post is difficult these days, so here's a summary of where Logan is at now:
- Age: 16 months, one week, six days
- Weight: 12.0 kg
- Height: 83 cm
- Teeth: 7 fully emerged, 3 emerging
- Vocabulary: about a dozen words, growing every day
- Crawling: done and dusted, now we're walking! And working on running...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
One year old!
We can't quite believe our baby is a year old already -- and he's not so much a baby as a little boy now!
Logan's now crawling properly (mostly), has three teeth coming through in his top gum, and has started using the furniture to haul himself onto his feet. Won't be long until he's walking!
Logan's had a busy day with an afternoon at Wellington Zoo. He was fascinated by the animals (hardly surprising given who his parents are) and stayed awake until almost the very end (about three hours after we arrived).
Logan's now crawling properly (mostly), has three teeth coming through in his top gum, and has started using the furniture to haul himself onto his feet. Won't be long until he's walking!
Logan's had a busy day with an afternoon at Wellington Zoo. He was fascinated by the animals (hardly surprising given who his parents are) and stayed awake until almost the very end (about three hours after we arrived).
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Nearly two months since the last entry, time for an update!
The biggest things that've developed since August are that Logan is commando crawling (lying on his belly, using his arms to pull himself along) and he's saying "Mum" and "Dad" (well, "Mummummum" and "Daddaddad").
Logan's still only got two teeth, but he's learning to chew his food well. He also seems to have developed a bit of a sweet tooth! He's also able to hold his bottle by himself.
Logan also gets really excited whenever he sees Thomas the Tank Engine. Daddy is very pleased by this.
Day care is going really well. Logan's settled into a routine there, and he almost always has a smile for the teachers when he arrives.
Monday, August 16, 2010
9 months old!
Well, Logan will be tomorrow anyway. It's also Juliette's birthday, though I'm forbidden from mentioning how old she'll be (on pain of pain).
We had a bit of a full-on day on Saturday. At 9 he had his third swimming lesson at Tawa Pool. His first lesson (four weeks ago) went well, until right at the end when Logan brought up some water he'd swallowed, with a little milk. As soon as the pool staff thought he'd thrown up, everyone was ordered out of the pool and it was closed while it got cleaned.
This time, another one of the baby's in the class threw up. It was less than Logan had brought up, but it was in the middle of the lesson. Same reaction, and the class moved to the big pool. Unfortunately, this was a lot colder and when Logan got out, he was turning blue!
A quick warm shower and change, and his colour returned, in time for our next stop -- morning tea at some friends' place. We were there for nearly two hours, swapping baby stories and advice before we had to go to our third appointment for the day -- lunch at the Denny's in Porirua with more friends (including Logan's godparents).
Logan tried curly fries (which he loved), didn't really like the chicken nuggets, but really got into some pasta and watermelon. We were at Denny's for over two hours, and Logan was doing really well, especially considering the only sleep he'd had was a 15 minute nap (on Daddy) at our friends' place. No crying, no grizzling. We got him home and tucked him into bed, and he slept for another couple of hours.
Sunday was a quiet day at home -- apart from a trip to the supermarked for weekly grocery shopping -- since we thought he'd still be a little knackered from Saturday. He also seems to have picked up a bit of a sniffle from the cold pool, so when we did go out, he was wrapped up snug.
Today, all three of us had the day off (we're having a 4-day weekend for Juliette's birthday). We tried Logan on scrambled eggs for breakfast (this is the third time we've tried it). He wolfed it down, but -- like the last two times he's had scrambled eggs -- he's now very unsettled and grizzly. We've spent the past couple of hours trying to get him settled, but it took a dose of baby Nurofen before he settled down properly. Unfortunately, he'll probably cough himself awake at 2:30.
Poor wee man.
We had a bit of a full-on day on Saturday. At 9 he had his third swimming lesson at Tawa Pool. His first lesson (four weeks ago) went well, until right at the end when Logan brought up some water he'd swallowed, with a little milk. As soon as the pool staff thought he'd thrown up, everyone was ordered out of the pool and it was closed while it got cleaned.
This time, another one of the baby's in the class threw up. It was less than Logan had brought up, but it was in the middle of the lesson. Same reaction, and the class moved to the big pool. Unfortunately, this was a lot colder and when Logan got out, he was turning blue!
A quick warm shower and change, and his colour returned, in time for our next stop -- morning tea at some friends' place. We were there for nearly two hours, swapping baby stories and advice before we had to go to our third appointment for the day -- lunch at the Denny's in Porirua with more friends (including Logan's godparents).
Logan tried curly fries (which he loved), didn't really like the chicken nuggets, but really got into some pasta and watermelon. We were at Denny's for over two hours, and Logan was doing really well, especially considering the only sleep he'd had was a 15 minute nap (on Daddy) at our friends' place. No crying, no grizzling. We got him home and tucked him into bed, and he slept for another couple of hours.
Sunday was a quiet day at home -- apart from a trip to the supermarked for weekly grocery shopping -- since we thought he'd still be a little knackered from Saturday. He also seems to have picked up a bit of a sniffle from the cold pool, so when we did go out, he was wrapped up snug.
Today, all three of us had the day off (we're having a 4-day weekend for Juliette's birthday). We tried Logan on scrambled eggs for breakfast (this is the third time we've tried it). He wolfed it down, but -- like the last two times he's had scrambled eggs -- he's now very unsettled and grizzly. We've spent the past couple of hours trying to get him settled, but it took a dose of baby Nurofen before he settled down properly. Unfortunately, he'll probably cough himself awake at 2:30.
Poor wee man.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
8 months old!!
Well time really flys by doesn't it!!
I can't believe that our wee man was 8 months old last Saturday. He weighed in at 8.43kg and we measured him as 70cm tall!
His second tooth finally seems to be popped through, he can sit up by himself and has started to say Dada (albeit probably not in context). He is also starting to pull his knees underneath him when he is having tummy time - arghhh crawling is approaching! He loves his bathtime with Daddy and is sleeping through the night most of the time.
His eating is progressing really well - he is having 3 meals a day now and prefers it when he can feed himself. He has had a roast chicken and a roast beef meal with us, loves baby yoghurt and custard and seems to like cheese as well.
We are so blessed with such a happy wee boy and with the wonderful daycare he goes to.
I am really looking forward to this weekend as we have our first swimming lesson on Saturday at 9am - Daddy will be official photographer :)
I can't believe that our wee man was 8 months old last Saturday. He weighed in at 8.43kg and we measured him as 70cm tall!
His second tooth finally seems to be popped through, he can sit up by himself and has started to say Dada (albeit probably not in context). He is also starting to pull his knees underneath him when he is having tummy time - arghhh crawling is approaching! He loves his bathtime with Daddy and is sleeping through the night most of the time.
His eating is progressing really well - he is having 3 meals a day now and prefers it when he can feed himself. He has had a roast chicken and a roast beef meal with us, loves baby yoghurt and custard and seems to like cheese as well.
We are so blessed with such a happy wee boy and with the wonderful daycare he goes to.
I am really looking forward to this weekend as we have our first swimming lesson on Saturday at 9am - Daddy will be official photographer :)