Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello there Chickling - or should I say Mr Octopus (due to the amount of wriggling you are doing of late lol).

It has been a while so I thought it was time for an update! Yes, Mummy has been slack - though partly it was due to the internet not working at home for nearly a month!!

Dada and I have enrolled in prenatal classes at the Mana Parent's Centre, hypnobirthing classes, breastfeeding classes and hopefully a baby and infants CPR class as well - that is certainly going to keep us very busy!!!

I can't believe that in a couple of weeks I will be in the 3rd trimester and that you will be here in about 3 months time!! Mummy still doesn't really have a noticeable bump - probably because you are filling in the space from me losing lots of weight (and I haven't put any on really since I got pregnant) but my tummy is definitely firmer and I know you are there because of the squirming :o)

Mummy is starting to find it harder to get comfortable at night time but a few extra pillows help and I feel like I am in a nest....of course I just get comfortable and then you start your Octopus act (I do feel you moving during the day too but I think you are definitely more active at night time - though that could also be because I am lying still and paying more attention)! I don't mind really, whenever you move I feel very reassured that you are all okay in there and I feel connected to you so end up smiling too. Dada has felt you move several times too now so is quite chuffed about that. He has also been reading to us a little at night time which will help you learn to recognise his voice more - as you get to hear Mummy rabbit on all day :o)

We are off to see Meera (our specialist) on Wednesday and we will get to see you on the ultrasound again which we always love :o)

Night, night my little one (though you always seem to be awake at night time!)

Lots of love from Mummy XX00

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's (probably) a boy!

We've had the 20 week scan, and we're 90% certain that the baby is a boy (it took some time, but eventually the ultrasound technician found his 'boy bits'). More importantly, everything is the right size, in the right place, and has the right orientation -- the chickling is boringly normal!