I can't believe that our wee man was 8 months old last Saturday. He weighed in at 8.43kg and we measured him as 70cm tall!
His second tooth finally seems to be popped through, he can sit up by himself and has started to say Dada (albeit probably not in context). He is also starting to pull his knees underneath him when he is having tummy time - arghhh crawling is approaching! He loves his bathtime with Daddy and is sleeping through the night most of the time.
His eating is progressing really well - he is having 3 meals a day now and prefers it when he can feed himself. He has had a roast chicken and a roast beef meal with us, loves baby yoghurt and custard and seems to like cheese as well.
We are so blessed with such a happy wee boy and with the wonderful daycare he goes to.
I am really looking forward to this weekend as we have our first swimming lesson on Saturday at 9am - Daddy will be official photographer :)