First up was the first coffee group for our ante-natal class, meeting at the Peppermill in Porirua. Four of the six babies born to the group so far were there (with their mums, obviously) as well as one other dad; Ann-Marie from the Mana Parents Centre; and five of the still-pregnant mums. It was entertaining watching the mums who'd had their babies swapping labour stories, and the mums-in-waiting cringe and want to move to another table!
It was good catching up with everyone, and we got some good advice from Daxa on relieving wind, as her son Taj has been having much the same problem as Logan.
After the coffee group, we popped into Baby Factory and Babycity to get some more prem clothes, as Logan only fits the smallest of the newborn clothes we have for him.
We then went to the supermarket. We were going to pop in to North City Plaza and see if our friend Margaret was at work, but while we were talking to another dad from the ante-natal class that we bumped into in the carpark, Margaret spotted us as she came out for lunch and ran over to say hello.
We've tried the advice from Daxa, from Juliette's Aunt Carol (who used to be a midwife), and from the Baby Whisperer DVD and we seem to be getting on top of Logan's wind problem. He certainly seems to be more comfortable, thank God!
We gave Logan a bath last night, but we had the water a little too cool for him (regardless of what the bath thermometer said). He went in the shower with Juliette this afternoon, and loves it!
He's snoozing now, and seems quite content. We noticed yesterday that he looked a lot less uncomfortable when we took some layers off him. Perhaps he's like his parents and prefers cooler temperatures...