You are a pretty good baby and the biggest issue we have is with wind - poor wee thing, though we do seem to be making some in-roads with that.
You were very unsettled after your last feed early this morning and your wonderful Dada stayed up with you while I got some much needed sleep - I am so very lucky with both of my boys!
The midwife came again today - her second visit - and is very pleased with you...the most awesome news of all is that you now weigh 2840g (with a singlet and nappy on - but the midwife says they should weigh no more than 40g). Dada and Mummy are so please with this as it is more than your birth weight of 2690g (you had dropped to 2510g on day 4 and then up to 2550g on day 5 when you were discharged from the Special Care Baby Unit at Hutt Hospital) and means that you are getting enough milk and doing really well :o)
Oh and your cord dropped off today - we think you may have an "outie".
Well best go, we have your Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor arriving for a visit any minute now.
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