Obviously we had a very special Christmas and New Year being the very first we spent with Logan!
Logan got lots of Christmas presents - as per the attached photo (and of course I have listed them so he will have a record - though Crispin and I are debating whether this is such a good idea given he may start to expect such continued spoiling in the future!!)
From left to right starting at the top:
Soft toy Sheep from Great Aunty Anne and Great Uncle Ross
Car duvet cover from cousin Rebecca
Snail cloth book from Liz and Cameron
Thomas and Friends DVD and 2 books from Aunty Maiko and Uncle Richard
Sneezy the Activity Dragon from Nan and Grampa
Jeans from Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor
My first Christmas Stocking from Nan and Grampa
Spinning top from Nan and Grampa
Activity Rings from Great Aunty Julie and Great Uncle Russell
Soft toy Zebra from Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor
2 Max books from James and Sarah
Buzzy Bee toy from Nan and Grampa
Tabby McTat book from Aunty Felicity
Greedy Cat book from Nan and Grampa
Forgetful Mog book from Aunty Maiko and Uncle Richard
Elephant and Giraffe All-In-Ones from Mummy and Dada
First Christmas Pooh Bear ornament from Margaret
First Christmas Snow Globe and Snowpeople family ornaments from Mummy and Dada
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes book from Nan and Grampa
Santa and Doggies ornament from Nan and Grampa
Max and Tilly socks from Nan and Grampa
Pirate Poster from Nan and Grampa
In comparison we had a very quiet New Years at home...though there were the 20 minutes of fireworks at midnight which woke up the little man!
Now we are going through Logan's 6 week growth spurt with him feeding every 2 hours at times but he is 4.65kg now which is great!
We are really looking forward to all the growing and interaction our little Logan will have this year - welcome 2010!
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