As per the post from December 20th we had a very busy week beginning on the 21st....
Monday 21st December
Diana, Emily, Angela and Bethany came to visit us in the morning - it was lovely to see Diana and Emily especially as it had been almost 2 years given they now live in Melbourne. Emily has grown so much and is such a lovely wee girl, her and Bethany got on well and it was nice to see them together too. Bethany just loves giving cuddles to you and was always asking to hold you - she even wanted to feed you but I had to explain that that was a little difficult :o)
Aidan and his Mum popped in when they came to pick up Emily and Diana so it was nice to get to see them too.
We picked up Daddy from work in the afternoon and all went to see Meera for Mummy's check up and all went well, Meera said there is a 20% chance that if Mummy has another baby it will come early too - Mummy is going to plan on it being 100% to be safe!!
Tuesday 22nd December
We went out to Stokes Valley to have you feet and hand casts taken for your Twinkletoes wall plaque in the morning - it was interesting to see how they take the moulds (using the same stuff they do for dental moulds).
We then had lunch at a lovely bar in Stokes Valley - yes you have now frequented your first bar!!
After that we visited both Mummy and Daddy's works to say hi and show you off again and then you had your pediatric check up - all went well and we just have to work on different positions to feed you in to try and avoid all that wind.
Wednesday 23rd December
Today you had your 6 week vaccinations and you did not enjoy them. After the first injection in your leg you screamed and Mummy had just started to get you calmed down when the one in the other leg went in...then you were inconsolable with much more screaming until Mummy fed you and then you forgot all about it lol. No major reactions which was good :o)
Thursday 24th December
A pretty quiet day at home, we went to family Christmas mass at 7pm where you were perfectly behaved (you loved the singing) and everybody thought you were gorgeous - which of course you are!! Bethany wanted some more cuddles and proceeded to tell her Mum that she wanted a baby like you..."a cute one" :o)
Back to Nan and Gramps to hang up the Christmas stockings and then home for Mummy to wrap more Christmas presents!
Friday 25 December
Your first Christmas - see the seperate post, you were spoiled rotten!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Logan the Social Bunny
Well Master Logan has celebrated his one month old milestone by being very much the social bunny of late.
On Thursday Dada stayed home as you had had a very unsettled night and Mummy and Dada were both very tired. We recovered by lunchtime and went out to lunch at K-Mart and then did some shopping.
On Friday we went to pick up Uncle Richard with Nan and then went to lunch at K-Mart with Nan and did some window shopping. Then we picked up Dada from work and went to Animates with the doggies!
Yesterday we went out to Denny's for lunch with James and Sarah and then did some final Christmas shopping and the food shopping. Then we stopped by to see Nan and Gramps and to give you some food! We were out from 12 until about 6 and you were such a good wee man.
I think we will stay home today for a rest (although we still have to put up the Christmas tree) especially as next week will be so busy....
Monday: Diana, Aidan, Emily, Angela and Bethany coming to visit in the morning, Mummy has a specialist check up with Meera at 4.45pm
Tuesday: Twinkletoes at 11.20am and then pediatric check up at 2.20pm
Wednesday: 6 week vaccinations at 11.45am
Thursday: Christmas Eve - hoping to go to family Christmas mass at 7pm
Friday: Your first Christmas!
Gosh we are going to be busy, especially as some time during the week Mummy has to wrap all the Christmas presents!!
On Thursday Dada stayed home as you had had a very unsettled night and Mummy and Dada were both very tired. We recovered by lunchtime and went out to lunch at K-Mart and then did some shopping.
On Friday we went to pick up Uncle Richard with Nan and then went to lunch at K-Mart with Nan and did some window shopping. Then we picked up Dada from work and went to Animates with the doggies!

I think we will stay home today for a rest (although we still have to put up the Christmas tree) especially as next week will be so busy....
Monday: Diana, Aidan, Emily, Angela and Bethany coming to visit in the morning, Mummy has a specialist check up with Meera at 4.45pm
Tuesday: Twinkletoes at 11.20am and then pediatric check up at 2.20pm
Wednesday: 6 week vaccinations at 11.45am
Thursday: Christmas Eve - hoping to go to family Christmas mass at 7pm
Friday: Your first Christmas!
Gosh we are going to be busy, especially as some time during the week Mummy has to wrap all the Christmas presents!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Official due date!!
Well today is your official due date Master Loganberry - but of course we all know you aren't going to arrive on this date by now :o)
The midwife (Raewyn) came yesterday and you have put on another 320g over 6 days so we are very pleased about that - your weight is now 3.66kg!! You certainly like your food!!
Everything is ticking along well - Daddy is back at work but we have been coping okay without him, your wind does not seem as bad (at least not during the day - though whether it is actually better or we are just getting used to it I don't know) and you are good about sleeping during the day - not quite as good at night time though as you take a while to settle...though Raewyn thinks that may be wind build up during the day so she has recommended trying the gripe water again to try to prevent quite so much build up.
I can't believe you will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday - the time is definitely flying by!
Love Mummy
Friday, December 4, 2009

Been a busy week since the last entry.
Logan's now 3.34kg (7lb 6oz), up from 2.94kg last Friday. He's put on 400g in the last week, when they'd normally expect him to put on only 200g, so he's piling on the weight, which we're happy about -- even if the growth spurt means he's having more regular feeds (i.e., less sleep for his parents!). He even looks bigger to us.
We took Logan into our offices today, where everybody went gaga over him. He goes to sleep in the car -- almost as soon as we put him in his car seat! -- so driving into town and back isn't too bad, but if we take too long he can get a bit cranky when we get home.
His feeding's going okay, though we're still having issues with wind. But, he's growing, and we just have to wait for his digestive system to develop and strengthen to the point where it's easier for him to burp. Sleep's still a bit hit-and-miss. He's down now, in the portacot we have in the lounge, but last night he was up and down until nearly 3am.
All this, and he's only 17 days old. We still haven't got to his due date (11 December)!
I'm back at work next week, so I'm feeling a little apprehensive leaving Juliette to fly solo. I'm sure she'll be fine -- she really is a wonderful mother -- but I can't help feeling a little guilty...