Been a busy week since the last entry.
Logan's now 3.34kg (7lb 6oz), up from 2.94kg last Friday. He's put on 400g in the last week, when they'd normally expect him to put on only 200g, so he's piling on the weight, which we're happy about -- even if the growth spurt means he's having more regular feeds (i.e., less sleep for his parents!). He even looks bigger to us.
We took Logan into our offices today, where everybody went gaga over him. He goes to sleep in the car -- almost as soon as we put him in his car seat! -- so driving into town and back isn't too bad, but if we take too long he can get a bit cranky when we get home.
His feeding's going okay, though we're still having issues with wind. But, he's growing, and we just have to wait for his digestive system to develop and strengthen to the point where it's easier for him to burp. Sleep's still a bit hit-and-miss. He's down now, in the portacot we have in the lounge, but last night he was up and down until nearly 3am.
All this, and he's only 17 days old. We still haven't got to his due date (11 December)!
I'm back at work next week, so I'm feeling a little apprehensive leaving Juliette to fly solo. I'm sure she'll be fine -- she really is a wonderful mother -- but I can't help feeling a little guilty...
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