Well today is your official due date Master Loganberry - but of course we all know you aren't going to arrive on this date by now :o)
The midwife (Raewyn) came yesterday and you have put on another 320g over 6 days so we are very pleased about that - your weight is now 3.66kg!! You certainly like your food!!
Everything is ticking along well - Daddy is back at work but we have been coping okay without him, your wind does not seem as bad (at least not during the day - though whether it is actually better or we are just getting used to it I don't know) and you are good about sleeping during the day - not quite as good at night time though as you take a while to settle...though Raewyn thinks that may be wind build up during the day so she has recommended trying the gripe water again to try to prevent quite so much build up.
I can't believe you will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday - the time is definitely flying by!
Love Mummy
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