We can't quite believe our baby is a year old already -- and he's not so much a baby as a little boy now!
Logan's now crawling properly (mostly), has three teeth coming through in his top gum, and has started using the furniture to haul himself onto his feet. Won't be long until he's walking!
Logan's had a busy day with an afternoon at Wellington Zoo. He was fascinated by the animals (hardly surprising given who his parents are) and stayed awake until almost the very end (about three hours after we arrived).
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Nearly two months since the last entry, time for an update!
The biggest things that've developed since August are that Logan is commando crawling (lying on his belly, using his arms to pull himself along) and he's saying "Mum" and "Dad" (well, "Mummummum" and "Daddaddad").
Logan's still only got two teeth, but he's learning to chew his food well. He also seems to have developed a bit of a sweet tooth! He's also able to hold his bottle by himself.
Logan also gets really excited whenever he sees Thomas the Tank Engine. Daddy is very pleased by this.
Day care is going really well. Logan's settled into a routine there, and he almost always has a smile for the teachers when he arrives.
Monday, August 16, 2010
9 months old!
Well, Logan will be tomorrow anyway. It's also Juliette's birthday, though I'm forbidden from mentioning how old she'll be (on pain of pain).
We had a bit of a full-on day on Saturday. At 9 he had his third swimming lesson at Tawa Pool. His first lesson (four weeks ago) went well, until right at the end when Logan brought up some water he'd swallowed, with a little milk. As soon as the pool staff thought he'd thrown up, everyone was ordered out of the pool and it was closed while it got cleaned.
This time, another one of the baby's in the class threw up. It was less than Logan had brought up, but it was in the middle of the lesson. Same reaction, and the class moved to the big pool. Unfortunately, this was a lot colder and when Logan got out, he was turning blue!
A quick warm shower and change, and his colour returned, in time for our next stop -- morning tea at some friends' place. We were there for nearly two hours, swapping baby stories and advice before we had to go to our third appointment for the day -- lunch at the Denny's in Porirua with more friends (including Logan's godparents).
Logan tried curly fries (which he loved), didn't really like the chicken nuggets, but really got into some pasta and watermelon. We were at Denny's for over two hours, and Logan was doing really well, especially considering the only sleep he'd had was a 15 minute nap (on Daddy) at our friends' place. No crying, no grizzling. We got him home and tucked him into bed, and he slept for another couple of hours.
Sunday was a quiet day at home -- apart from a trip to the supermarked for weekly grocery shopping -- since we thought he'd still be a little knackered from Saturday. He also seems to have picked up a bit of a sniffle from the cold pool, so when we did go out, he was wrapped up snug.
Today, all three of us had the day off (we're having a 4-day weekend for Juliette's birthday). We tried Logan on scrambled eggs for breakfast (this is the third time we've tried it). He wolfed it down, but -- like the last two times he's had scrambled eggs -- he's now very unsettled and grizzly. We've spent the past couple of hours trying to get him settled, but it took a dose of baby Nurofen before he settled down properly. Unfortunately, he'll probably cough himself awake at 2:30.
Poor wee man.
We had a bit of a full-on day on Saturday. At 9 he had his third swimming lesson at Tawa Pool. His first lesson (four weeks ago) went well, until right at the end when Logan brought up some water he'd swallowed, with a little milk. As soon as the pool staff thought he'd thrown up, everyone was ordered out of the pool and it was closed while it got cleaned.
This time, another one of the baby's in the class threw up. It was less than Logan had brought up, but it was in the middle of the lesson. Same reaction, and the class moved to the big pool. Unfortunately, this was a lot colder and when Logan got out, he was turning blue!
A quick warm shower and change, and his colour returned, in time for our next stop -- morning tea at some friends' place. We were there for nearly two hours, swapping baby stories and advice before we had to go to our third appointment for the day -- lunch at the Denny's in Porirua with more friends (including Logan's godparents).
Logan tried curly fries (which he loved), didn't really like the chicken nuggets, but really got into some pasta and watermelon. We were at Denny's for over two hours, and Logan was doing really well, especially considering the only sleep he'd had was a 15 minute nap (on Daddy) at our friends' place. No crying, no grizzling. We got him home and tucked him into bed, and he slept for another couple of hours.
Sunday was a quiet day at home -- apart from a trip to the supermarked for weekly grocery shopping -- since we thought he'd still be a little knackered from Saturday. He also seems to have picked up a bit of a sniffle from the cold pool, so when we did go out, he was wrapped up snug.
Today, all three of us had the day off (we're having a 4-day weekend for Juliette's birthday). We tried Logan on scrambled eggs for breakfast (this is the third time we've tried it). He wolfed it down, but -- like the last two times he's had scrambled eggs -- he's now very unsettled and grizzly. We've spent the past couple of hours trying to get him settled, but it took a dose of baby Nurofen before he settled down properly. Unfortunately, he'll probably cough himself awake at 2:30.
Poor wee man.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
8 months old!!
Well time really flys by doesn't it!!
I can't believe that our wee man was 8 months old last Saturday. He weighed in at 8.43kg and we measured him as 70cm tall!
His second tooth finally seems to be popped through, he can sit up by himself and has started to say Dada (albeit probably not in context). He is also starting to pull his knees underneath him when he is having tummy time - arghhh crawling is approaching! He loves his bathtime with Daddy and is sleeping through the night most of the time.
His eating is progressing really well - he is having 3 meals a day now and prefers it when he can feed himself. He has had a roast chicken and a roast beef meal with us, loves baby yoghurt and custard and seems to like cheese as well.
We are so blessed with such a happy wee boy and with the wonderful daycare he goes to.
I am really looking forward to this weekend as we have our first swimming lesson on Saturday at 9am - Daddy will be official photographer :)
I can't believe that our wee man was 8 months old last Saturday. He weighed in at 8.43kg and we measured him as 70cm tall!
His second tooth finally seems to be popped through, he can sit up by himself and has started to say Dada (albeit probably not in context). He is also starting to pull his knees underneath him when he is having tummy time - arghhh crawling is approaching! He loves his bathtime with Daddy and is sleeping through the night most of the time.
His eating is progressing really well - he is having 3 meals a day now and prefers it when he can feed himself. He has had a roast chicken and a roast beef meal with us, loves baby yoghurt and custard and seems to like cheese as well.
We are so blessed with such a happy wee boy and with the wonderful daycare he goes to.
I am really looking forward to this weekend as we have our first swimming lesson on Saturday at 9am - Daddy will be official photographer :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010
We have our happy boy back!
Logan's definitely feeling a bit better. He slept through the night (something all three of us needed!) and was quite chirpy this morning (though he wasn't too impressed about having to wait for his bottle).
He also really likes Marmite on toast -- the taste, the texture, the mess! -- which they also give him at daycare. When we dropped him off this morning, the got to sit at the table with the other kids and have some toast.
We reckon he's a lot happier when he can feed himself -- he kept grabbing the spoon when I was feeding him last night -- so giving him toast or a Cruskit cheers him up no end.
He also really likes Marmite on toast -- the taste, the texture, the mess! -- which they also give him at daycare. When we dropped him off this morning, the got to sit at the table with the other kids and have some toast.
We reckon he's a lot happier when he can feed himself -- he kept grabbing the spoon when I was feeding him last night -- so giving him toast or a Cruskit cheers him up no end.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What a weekend!
I spoke too soon. Logan had a miserable weekend, grizzling and crying pretty much the whole time. His tooth was obviously giving him trouble, and he hasn't been his normal happy self since last Wednesday.
He was happier this morning, though, so hopefully his tooth has stopped bothering him as much.
He was happier this morning, though, so hopefully his tooth has stopped bothering him as much.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Been a while
It's been nearly a month since the last post, and Logan has very definitely growing up.
His major milestone is he has a tooth! And (fingers crossed) it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much. He has grizzled a couple of times, but a quick dose of Weleda teething powder (which he likes -- he hates Bonjela) seems to fix it.
The other milestone is that most nights he sleeps right through (much to the relief of his parents!). There have been a couple of nights when he's woken up about 1-2 am, but I think that's more to do with his teething. And of course, the one night I wanted him to wake me up at that time (i.e., for the New Zealand v. Paraguay match), he slept through...
Logan's really settled into daycare, and his teachers are always telling us what a wonderful little boy he is (like we didn't already know).
His menu has expanded quite a bit, and he's developed a taste for wafers and Cruskits. He'll wolf down any vegetables you put in front of him, though he doesn't seem to like sweet fruits. Seems to like bananas, though.
His major milestone is he has a tooth! And (fingers crossed) it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much. He has grizzled a couple of times, but a quick dose of Weleda teething powder (which he likes -- he hates Bonjela) seems to fix it.
The other milestone is that most nights he sleeps right through (much to the relief of his parents!). There have been a couple of nights when he's woken up about 1-2 am, but I think that's more to do with his teething. And of course, the one night I wanted him to wake me up at that time (i.e., for the New Zealand v. Paraguay match), he slept through...
Logan's really settled into daycare, and his teachers are always telling us what a wonderful little boy he is (like we didn't already know).
His menu has expanded quite a bit, and he's developed a taste for wafers and Cruskits. He'll wolf down any vegetables you put in front of him, though he doesn't seem to like sweet fruits. Seems to like bananas, though.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Into day care
With Juliette back at work since last Friday, Logan is now in daycare (at the Early Years in Kaiwharawhara).
He had four "settling visits" since we got back from Nelson, and his first proper day was Friday. The settling visits went okay, although with one of the last two, when we left Logan at the day care (to see how he'd be without us there), he had a meltdown, so we ended up rushing back to pick him up again.
On Friday, we dropped Logan off at 7:30, and then took Juliette to work. He was crying when Juliette called later in the morning, but the carers said he was otherwise okay. Unfortunately, the teacher who is to be Logan's primary caregiver -- Jenn, whom Logan's really bonded with -- was away, and there were a number of temp staff (who Logan had never met before) covering for others who were sick. Coupled with the noise and lots of other children, Logan was a bit unsettled, so the day care called me to come and 'rescue' Logan at around 12:30. He was still a bit grizzly when I got there, and almost fell asleep in my arms. I took him in to Juliette's work, and he was all smiles and giggles -- somebody suggested he'd just been putting on an act! I took him back home, fed and milked him (including him kicking half a jar of parsnip-pumpkin-and-carrot on my trousers), and he was settled enough to go out again to collect Juliette from the train and do the food shopping.
Today, we dropped Logan off at 7:30-ish again, and Juliette at her office at 8:15 (I'm still at home, recovering from my surgery). Juliette called them around 11, and he was doing well. I picked him up at 4, and was told that he'd had a wonderful day, they'd found some toys he liked and that they need to move him away from other kids who are crying (because that sets Logan crying).
He had four "settling visits" since we got back from Nelson, and his first proper day was Friday. The settling visits went okay, although with one of the last two, when we left Logan at the day care (to see how he'd be without us there), he had a meltdown, so we ended up rushing back to pick him up again.
On Friday, we dropped Logan off at 7:30, and then took Juliette to work. He was crying when Juliette called later in the morning, but the carers said he was otherwise okay. Unfortunately, the teacher who is to be Logan's primary caregiver -- Jenn, whom Logan's really bonded with -- was away, and there were a number of temp staff (who Logan had never met before) covering for others who were sick. Coupled with the noise and lots of other children, Logan was a bit unsettled, so the day care called me to come and 'rescue' Logan at around 12:30. He was still a bit grizzly when I got there, and almost fell asleep in my arms. I took him in to Juliette's work, and he was all smiles and giggles -- somebody suggested he'd just been putting on an act! I took him back home, fed and milked him (including him kicking half a jar of parsnip-pumpkin-and-carrot on my trousers), and he was settled enough to go out again to collect Juliette from the train and do the food shopping.
Today, we dropped Logan off at 7:30-ish again, and Juliette at her office at 8:15 (I'm still at home, recovering from my surgery). Juliette called them around 11, and he was doing well. I picked him up at 4, and was told that he'd had a wonderful day, they'd found some toys he liked and that they need to move him away from other kids who are crying (because that sets Logan crying).

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Lunch with GG and Great Aunt
Logan got us up twice last night -- including at 1am. We think the strange room is a bit unsettling for him, but he's okay when he cuddles up with mummy. He did, however, sleep through the thunderstorm we had last night.
Any way, we ended up sleeping in till about 10am before getting ready to go back to Nana's for lunch. We did think we'd visit the market, but in the end we were too tired and, as Juliette said, we'd only be tempted to spend money.
We tried giving Logan his bottle before we left, but he wasn't particularly interested. But he was very interested in the pumpkin and sweetcorn we offered him, devouring the lot. He's getting very good when it comes to solid food, particularly when it's stuff he likes.
About 12:30 we left for Nana's, about a 10 minute drive away. Nana and Elizabeth had put on a smorgasbord lunch. Logan had his bottle, and we talked for hours (though Nana and I fell asleep in our seats). Elizabeth got to have a cuddle with Logan and played with him on the floor. Logan showed off by doing rolly-pollies (three times!). I think I'm going to be spending the next few days babyproofing the house when we get home.
We stopped off at the supermarket again on the way to the motel. Logan was pretty tired, though fighting sleep the way he does when he needs to sleep but wants to stay up and play. Very cute, though not at 3:00 am.
Anyway, Mummy and Logan are tucked up in bed, fast asleep. We're going home tomorrow, on a 4:00 pm flight to Wellington, but we'll pop round and see GG and Elizabeth before we head to the airport.
Any way, we ended up sleeping in till about 10am before getting ready to go back to Nana's for lunch. We did think we'd visit the market, but in the end we were too tired and, as Juliette said, we'd only be tempted to spend money.
We tried giving Logan his bottle before we left, but he wasn't particularly interested. But he was very interested in the pumpkin and sweetcorn we offered him, devouring the lot. He's getting very good when it comes to solid food, particularly when it's stuff he likes.
We stopped off at the supermarket again on the way to the motel. Logan was pretty tired, though fighting sleep the way he does when he needs to sleep but wants to stay up and play. Very cute, though not at 3:00 am.
Anyway, Mummy and Logan are tucked up in bed, fast asleep. We're going home tomorrow, on a 4:00 pm flight to Wellington, but we'll pop round and see GG and Elizabeth before we head to the airport.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Big Trip for the Little Guy
After landing, we picked up the rental car (a Toyota Yaris -- not bad, but I miss the Mitsi), and headed into Nelson city. We parked at the Millers Acre Centre car park -- $2 for 3 hours parking! -- and went and had breakfast at a nearby coffee shop, La Creperie.
Afterwards, we still hand some time to kill before meeting Logan's Great Aunt Elizabeth for lunch, so we went for a wander down Trafalgar Street, trying to find a bead shop that Juliette wanted to visit. Fortunately, they'd moved from where Juliette had thought they were, and were actually a lot closer to where we were.
After that, we casually wandered back towards Millers Acre and got a table at Oasis cafe (where we were meeting Elizabeth for lunch) at about 11:45. Elizabeth arrived shortly after 12 and we had a lovely lunch together. Logan slept through most of it, but woke up in time to get a cuddle from his great aunt.
After lunch, we headed off to check into our motel, the Balmoral Motel in Tahunanui. It's a very nice motel, looks like it's been recently refurbished. They've even provided a port-a-cot for Logan to sleep in.
We dropped off our things in the room, then headed back out to say hello to Logan's great grandmother ("Nana" to Juliette, but "GG" to Logan and her other great-grandchildren). Logan played on the floor dressed only in his nappy (he hates wearing clothes) while we had a cuppa with Nana.
We only stayed an hour -- we're having lunch with Nana and Elizabeth tomorrow -- and left about 4pm. We found a supermarket and got some supplies in, before heading back to the motel for an early dinner and bed.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mmmmmm pears!
Well our little Logan is not so little anymore! He was 5 months old on the 17th and now weighs 7.4kg.
He has also started solids and although he was not too fussed on the farex (baby rice) or apples he seems to quite like the pears. Well okay then, given today's performance I would say he LOVES the pears....this is only the second time he has had them and he has started opening his mouth for more as well as grizzling when I wiped his mouth clean instead of giving him more LOL. I think what he was trying to say was "don't worry about making a mess Mummy just put some more in there!!" Will see what happens tomorrow - he had about 5 teaspoons full today!
He has also started solids and although he was not too fussed on the farex (baby rice) or apples he seems to quite like the pears. Well okay then, given today's performance I would say he LOVES the pears....this is only the second time he has had them and he has started opening his mouth for more as well as grizzling when I wiped his mouth clean instead of giving him more LOL. I think what he was trying to say was "don't worry about making a mess Mummy just put some more in there!!" Will see what happens tomorrow - he had about 5 teaspoons full today!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Logan went to bed at 10:30 last night... and slept through to 6:30 this morning. :-D Probably won't happen again, though...
Logan's now sleeping in his 'big boy cot' in his room (as opposed to the portacot in the living room). We didn't have any problems moving him over, and it also means we can relax and watch a bit of TV (or Dada can play on his Xbox) while he's asleep.
He's growing up fast: 4 months old already! He's talkative, learned to blow raspberries, can wiggle round in circles when you put him on the mat, and in the last week, he's started try to roll onto his tummy. We've also introduced him to his Jolly Jumper, which he absolutely loves:
He's growing up fast: 4 months old already! He's talkative, learned to blow raspberries, can wiggle round in circles when you put him on the mat, and in the last week, he's started try to roll onto his tummy. We've also introduced him to his Jolly Jumper, which he absolutely loves:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Trying out the sliding chair
We've had this for a while, but Logan's always been too small to reach the kickplate. Until now.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
In the picture to the left, you can see Logan wearing his christening gown (not a dress, regardless of what his Aunt Felicity has to say about it) that Juliette's grandmother made about 40 years ago. 17 members of Juliette's family have been christened in it -- 18 including Logan.
We had a good turnout -- a few people couldn't make it, for one reason or another -- but it was a lovely private service. Father Penders -- who married Juliette and I four years ago -- did the service. He even made an impromptu addition to the service, calling our friends' 6 year old daughter up to hold Logan's baptism candle -- not something we'd thought of, but in retrospect was a great idea.
Logan was great throughout the service, even watching Fr Penders during the sermon. He didn't scream once, even when he had the water poured on his head -- though I'm sure some of that was because Juliette and I had his pacifier ready to put in his mouth at the slightest sign of impending screamage.
(L-R: James (godfather), Sarah (godmother), Juliette (happy mum) holding Logan (sleeping baby), me (proud dad), and Felicity (godmother and aunt)
To celebrate afterwards, we went to Nan and Grampa's place for afternoon tea. The centrepiece was the top tier of our wedding cake, which has been carefully stored in our freezer for the past four years for just this occasion.
Exciting times!!
Well our little boy was 3 months old old on Wednesday 17th (4 days ago) and we just can't believe how the time has flown!!!
He is loving the singing at SPACE and is now started to make different sounds like he is talking to us, which I am sure he is :)
We had our 12 week vaccinations on Monday and he coped better than last time, still screamed but not quite as much and again settled as soon as I fed him. He was very sleepy the following day and a bit unsettled the day after but I think that was because he was trying to push out a poo - he waiting until Daddy got home to do it so he could change the nappy - what a good wee boy my son is!!
Yesterday we took him swimming and he loved it, not so keen on the shower afterwards but loved having both Mummy and Daddy in the water at his level. We did not stay in for long obviously as babies get cold quickly (the pool was nice and warm though) but I was pleased we went.
Today we have his Christening at 2pm so will try to update again tomorrow (given we have been slack of late) - I hope he will be a good boy - but as long as his tummy is full that should not be a problem. Better go and start getting ourselves organised - takes a while with a baby!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Busy times
It's been a busy two weeks for little Logan.
Last Monday, we took a trip up to Palmerston North to visit our friends Amber and Steven, and their kids Caitlyn and Carter. Logan was good on the trip up -- he tends to go to sleep in the car -- and while we were in Palmie. He even endured Mummy shopping in Ezibuy and JK! Unfortunately, on the way back home, we got caught in the traffic north of Otaki. As soon as the car stopped, Logan woke up and started screaming. Mummy managed to calm him down with a bottle of formula, while Daddy worried about having enough petrol to make it to Otaki. Fortunately, after nearly an hour in the traffic jam, we made it to the BP in Otaki, and stopped to feed Logan properly, change him, cool the car down, refuel, and get something to eat and drink.
On Wednesday, we had coffee group at the Peppermill again. Everybody in the group has had their babies now -- 9 boys, 4 girls -- though not every one managed to make it. Logan got a little grizzly in the cafe, but not too bad, and he put up with his parents going shopping afterwards. The wheels started to come off towards the end, though, so Mummy and Daddy raced home to feed him.
On Thursday, Mummy and Logan had their first Baby & You class, so Daddy managed to get a break from helping Mummy look after the little chickling.
On Saturday, we had another big trip over to Greytown to visit Sarah and Jason and their little critters (Logan's second cousins Hamish, Amelia and Samantha). No problems at all -- Logan slept all the way there and all the way back. We also stopped in at our friends Judith and Dave (and their son James) in Totara Park on the way home.
This week's been less hectic. We finally met the Plunket nurse on Monday, and -- contrary to other people's horror stories about Plunket -- she was very nice. She weighed Logan (4.9kg), and gave us a few hints and tips to help with wind, feeding, and the thrush infection in his mouth.
We had dinner with Nan and Grampa on Monday night, and Mummy and Logan had the second Baby & You class yesterday (where Mummy learned baby massage, which Logan seems to like).
Last Monday, we took a trip up to Palmerston North to visit our friends Amber and Steven, and their kids Caitlyn and Carter. Logan was good on the trip up -- he tends to go to sleep in the car -- and while we were in Palmie. He even endured Mummy shopping in Ezibuy and JK! Unfortunately, on the way back home, we got caught in the traffic north of Otaki. As soon as the car stopped, Logan woke up and started screaming. Mummy managed to calm him down with a bottle of formula, while Daddy worried about having enough petrol to make it to Otaki. Fortunately, after nearly an hour in the traffic jam, we made it to the BP in Otaki, and stopped to feed Logan properly, change him, cool the car down, refuel, and get something to eat and drink.
On Wednesday, we had coffee group at the Peppermill again. Everybody in the group has had their babies now -- 9 boys, 4 girls -- though not every one managed to make it. Logan got a little grizzly in the cafe, but not too bad, and he put up with his parents going shopping afterwards. The wheels started to come off towards the end, though, so Mummy and Daddy raced home to feed him.
On Thursday, Mummy and Logan had their first Baby & You class, so Daddy managed to get a break from helping Mummy look after the little chickling.
On Saturday, we had another big trip over to Greytown to visit Sarah and Jason and their little critters (Logan's second cousins Hamish, Amelia and Samantha). No problems at all -- Logan slept all the way there and all the way back. We also stopped in at our friends Judith and Dave (and their son James) in Totara Park on the way home.
This week's been less hectic. We finally met the Plunket nurse on Monday, and -- contrary to other people's horror stories about Plunket -- she was very nice. She weighed Logan (4.9kg), and gave us a few hints and tips to help with wind, feeding, and the thrush infection in his mouth.
We had dinner with Nan and Grampa on Monday night, and Mummy and Logan had the second Baby & You class yesterday (where Mummy learned baby massage, which Logan seems to like).
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Obviously we had a very special Christmas and New Year being the very first we spent with Logan!
Logan got lots of Christmas presents - as per the attached photo (and of course I have listed them so he will have a record - though Crispin and I are debating whether this is such a good idea given he may start to expect such continued spoiling in the future!!)
From left to right starting at the top:
Soft toy Sheep from Great Aunty Anne and Great Uncle Ross
Car duvet cover from cousin Rebecca
Snail cloth book from Liz and Cameron
Thomas and Friends DVD and 2 books from Aunty Maiko and Uncle Richard
Sneezy the Activity Dragon from Nan and Grampa
Jeans from Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor
My first Christmas Stocking from Nan and Grampa
Spinning top from Nan and Grampa
Activity Rings from Great Aunty Julie and Great Uncle Russell
Soft toy Zebra from Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor
2 Max books from James and Sarah
Buzzy Bee toy from Nan and Grampa
Tabby McTat book from Aunty Felicity
Greedy Cat book from Nan and Grampa
Forgetful Mog book from Aunty Maiko and Uncle Richard
Elephant and Giraffe All-In-Ones from Mummy and Dada
First Christmas Pooh Bear ornament from Margaret
First Christmas Snow Globe and Snowpeople family ornaments from Mummy and Dada
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes book from Nan and Grampa
Santa and Doggies ornament from Nan and Grampa
Max and Tilly socks from Nan and Grampa
Pirate Poster from Nan and Grampa
In comparison we had a very quiet New Years at home...though there were the 20 minutes of fireworks at midnight which woke up the little man!
Now we are going through Logan's 6 week growth spurt with him feeding every 2 hours at times but he is 4.65kg now which is great!
We are really looking forward to all the growing and interaction our little Logan will have this year - welcome 2010!