As per the post from December 20th we had a very busy week beginning on the 21st....
Monday 21st December
Diana, Emily, Angela and Bethany came to visit us in the morning - it was lovely to see Diana and Emily especially as it had been almost 2 years given they now live in Melbourne. Emily has grown so much and is such a lovely wee girl, her and Bethany got on well and it was nice to see them together too. Bethany just loves giving cuddles to you and was always asking to hold you - she even wanted to feed you but I had to explain that that was a little difficult :o)
Aidan and his Mum popped in when they came to pick up Emily and Diana so it was nice to get to see them too.
We picked up Daddy from work in the afternoon and all went to see Meera for Mummy's check up and all went well, Meera said there is a 20% chance that if Mummy has another baby it will come early too - Mummy is going to plan on it being 100% to be safe!!
Tuesday 22nd December
We went out to Stokes Valley to have you feet and hand casts taken for your Twinkletoes wall plaque in the morning - it was interesting to see how they take the moulds (using the same stuff they do for dental moulds).
We then had lunch at a lovely bar in Stokes Valley - yes you have now frequented your first bar!!
After that we visited both Mummy and Daddy's works to say hi and show you off again and then you had your pediatric check up - all went well and we just have to work on different positions to feed you in to try and avoid all that wind.
Wednesday 23rd December
Today you had your 6 week vaccinations and you did not enjoy them. After the first injection in your leg you screamed and Mummy had just started to get you calmed down when the one in the other leg went in...then you were inconsolable with much more screaming until Mummy fed you and then you forgot all about it lol. No major reactions which was good :o)
Thursday 24th December
A pretty quiet day at home, we went to family Christmas mass at 7pm where you were perfectly behaved (you loved the singing) and everybody thought you were gorgeous - which of course you are!! Bethany wanted some more cuddles and proceeded to tell her Mum that she wanted a baby like you..."a cute one" :o)
Back to Nan and Gramps to hang up the Christmas stockings and then home for Mummy to wrap more Christmas presents!
Friday 25 December
Your first Christmas - see the seperate post, you were spoiled rotten!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Logan the Social Bunny
Well Master Logan has celebrated his one month old milestone by being very much the social bunny of late.
On Thursday Dada stayed home as you had had a very unsettled night and Mummy and Dada were both very tired. We recovered by lunchtime and went out to lunch at K-Mart and then did some shopping.
On Friday we went to pick up Uncle Richard with Nan and then went to lunch at K-Mart with Nan and did some window shopping. Then we picked up Dada from work and went to Animates with the doggies!
Yesterday we went out to Denny's for lunch with James and Sarah and then did some final Christmas shopping and the food shopping. Then we stopped by to see Nan and Gramps and to give you some food! We were out from 12 until about 6 and you were such a good wee man.
I think we will stay home today for a rest (although we still have to put up the Christmas tree) especially as next week will be so busy....
Monday: Diana, Aidan, Emily, Angela and Bethany coming to visit in the morning, Mummy has a specialist check up with Meera at 4.45pm
Tuesday: Twinkletoes at 11.20am and then pediatric check up at 2.20pm
Wednesday: 6 week vaccinations at 11.45am
Thursday: Christmas Eve - hoping to go to family Christmas mass at 7pm
Friday: Your first Christmas!
Gosh we are going to be busy, especially as some time during the week Mummy has to wrap all the Christmas presents!!
On Thursday Dada stayed home as you had had a very unsettled night and Mummy and Dada were both very tired. We recovered by lunchtime and went out to lunch at K-Mart and then did some shopping.
On Friday we went to pick up Uncle Richard with Nan and then went to lunch at K-Mart with Nan and did some window shopping. Then we picked up Dada from work and went to Animates with the doggies!

I think we will stay home today for a rest (although we still have to put up the Christmas tree) especially as next week will be so busy....
Monday: Diana, Aidan, Emily, Angela and Bethany coming to visit in the morning, Mummy has a specialist check up with Meera at 4.45pm
Tuesday: Twinkletoes at 11.20am and then pediatric check up at 2.20pm
Wednesday: 6 week vaccinations at 11.45am
Thursday: Christmas Eve - hoping to go to family Christmas mass at 7pm
Friday: Your first Christmas!
Gosh we are going to be busy, especially as some time during the week Mummy has to wrap all the Christmas presents!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Official due date!!
Well today is your official due date Master Loganberry - but of course we all know you aren't going to arrive on this date by now :o)
The midwife (Raewyn) came yesterday and you have put on another 320g over 6 days so we are very pleased about that - your weight is now 3.66kg!! You certainly like your food!!
Everything is ticking along well - Daddy is back at work but we have been coping okay without him, your wind does not seem as bad (at least not during the day - though whether it is actually better or we are just getting used to it I don't know) and you are good about sleeping during the day - not quite as good at night time though as you take a while to settle...though Raewyn thinks that may be wind build up during the day so she has recommended trying the gripe water again to try to prevent quite so much build up.
I can't believe you will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday - the time is definitely flying by!
Love Mummy
Friday, December 4, 2009

Been a busy week since the last entry.
Logan's now 3.34kg (7lb 6oz), up from 2.94kg last Friday. He's put on 400g in the last week, when they'd normally expect him to put on only 200g, so he's piling on the weight, which we're happy about -- even if the growth spurt means he's having more regular feeds (i.e., less sleep for his parents!). He even looks bigger to us.
We took Logan into our offices today, where everybody went gaga over him. He goes to sleep in the car -- almost as soon as we put him in his car seat! -- so driving into town and back isn't too bad, but if we take too long he can get a bit cranky when we get home.
His feeding's going okay, though we're still having issues with wind. But, he's growing, and we just have to wait for his digestive system to develop and strengthen to the point where it's easier for him to burp. Sleep's still a bit hit-and-miss. He's down now, in the portacot we have in the lounge, but last night he was up and down until nearly 3am.
All this, and he's only 17 days old. We still haven't got to his due date (11 December)!
I'm back at work next week, so I'm feeling a little apprehensive leaving Juliette to fly solo. I'm sure she'll be fine -- she really is a wonderful mother -- but I can't help feeling a little guilty...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Big Day Out
Yesterday, Logan had a big day out.
First up was the first coffee group for our ante-natal class, meeting at the Peppermill in Porirua. Four of the six babies born to the group so far were there (with their mums, obviously) as well as one other dad; Ann-Marie from the Mana Parents Centre; and five of the still-pregnant mums. It was entertaining watching the mums who'd had their babies swapping labour stories, and the mums-in-waiting cringe and want to move to another table!
It was good catching up with everyone, and we got some good advice from Daxa on relieving wind, as her son Taj has been having much the same problem as Logan.
After the coffee group, we popped into Baby Factory and Babycity to get some more prem clothes, as Logan only fits the smallest of the newborn clothes we have for him.
We then went to the supermarket. We were going to pop in to North City Plaza and see if our friend Margaret was at work, but while we were talking to another dad from the ante-natal class that we bumped into in the carpark, Margaret spotted us as she came out for lunch and ran over to say hello.
We've tried the advice from Daxa, from Juliette's Aunt Carol (who used to be a midwife), and from the Baby Whisperer DVD and we seem to be getting on top of Logan's wind problem. He certainly seems to be more comfortable, thank God!
We gave Logan a bath last night, but we had the water a little too cool for him (regardless of what the bath thermometer said). He went in the shower with Juliette this afternoon, and loves it!
He's snoozing now, and seems quite content. We noticed yesterday that he looked a lot less uncomfortable when we took some layers off him. Perhaps he's like his parents and prefers cooler temperatures...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1 week old today!!
Our little Logie Bear is 1 week old today!!! The time has gone by so quickly!

You are a pretty good baby and the biggest issue we have is with wind - poor wee thing, though we do seem to be making some in-roads with that.
You were very unsettled after your last feed early this morning and your wonderful Dada stayed up with you while I got some much needed sleep - I am so very lucky with both of my boys!
The midwife came again today - her second visit - and is very pleased with you...the most awesome news of all is that you now weigh 2840g (with a singlet and nappy on - but the midwife says they should weigh no more than 40g). Dada and Mummy are so please with this as it is more than your birth weight of 2690g (you had dropped to 2510g on day 4 and then up to 2550g on day 5 when you were discharged from the Special Care Baby Unit at Hutt Hospital) and means that you are getting enough milk and doing really well :o)
Oh and your cord dropped off today - we think you may have an "outie".
Well best go, we have your Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor arriving for a visit any minute now.

You are a pretty good baby and the biggest issue we have is with wind - poor wee thing, though we do seem to be making some in-roads with that.
You were very unsettled after your last feed early this morning and your wonderful Dada stayed up with you while I got some much needed sleep - I am so very lucky with both of my boys!
The midwife came again today - her second visit - and is very pleased with you...the most awesome news of all is that you now weigh 2840g (with a singlet and nappy on - but the midwife says they should weigh no more than 40g). Dada and Mummy are so please with this as it is more than your birth weight of 2690g (you had dropped to 2510g on day 4 and then up to 2550g on day 5 when you were discharged from the Special Care Baby Unit at Hutt Hospital) and means that you are getting enough milk and doing really well :o)
Oh and your cord dropped off today - we think you may have an "outie".
Well best go, we have your Aunty Miranda, Uncle Andrew and Connor arriving for a visit any minute now.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 6/7

The first night was a bit of a bear: we'd get up, change him, feed him, settle him, go back to bed -- and get an hour or two of sleep before having to get up again, so when family from Greytown arrived to visit, we must've seemed like the living dead! Still, his feeds are a bit further apart now, so we're hoping (fingers crossed!) that he's settling down. He was really good on Sunday morning, with his cousins Hamish, Amelia and Samantha (well, second cousins, technically) getting a look, and the community midwife turning up to check-up on him. Pretty much slept all the way through
The dogs were all excited to meet him, especially Merlin. They tend to whine a bit if he starts crying, but otherwise have slobbered him at every opportunity.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 2
Mum and baby continue to thrive. Logan's feeding well now, having had a slight issue of falling asleep while feeding yesterday. But today, he was waking up and demanding to be fed (not much use when Dad was the only one in the room at the time!).
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ah, the best laid plans of mice and man aft gang agly.
Juliette had been complaining of back pain since Sunday afternoon, but we'd put it down to Logan being posterior position, or possibly his head banging on Juliette's bladder. At 8:30 pm last night, just as we were sitting down to eat dinner and watch The Mentalist, Juliette thought she needed to go to the loo, so she rushed to the bathroom. Shortly thereafter followed a quick discussion on what pee looked and smelt like, followed by the conclusion that it wasn't pee that was leaking out of Juliette. We called the delivery suite at Hutt Hospital, advising that Juliette was having this discharge but no contractions.
The nurse, Helen, told us to come in any way. Pretty much as soon as we'd hung up the phone, Juliette experienced her first contraction.
We managed to get packed up and on our way across Haywoods by 9 pm, arriving at Hutt Hospital by 9:30. Juliette got bundled into delivery room 4, where Helen confirmed that Juliette was in labour. Meera, who was already at the hospital delivering another baby, confirmed that Juliette was in labour, and 3 cm dilated.
By 10, just as Meera was about to go, Juliette was 4 cm dilated. By 11 -- just an hour later -- she was 8 cm dilated. This baby was coming!
At 1:30 am this morning (17 November 2009), Logan Stuart Anderton was born, weighing in at 2.69 kg (5 lb 15 oz). If you're keeping track, that's only five hours after Juliette's waters broke. After a quick snuggle, the paediatrician wasn't happy with Logan's breathing. Because he was premature (3 weeks 3 days before his due date of 11 December) and the labour was so fast, his lungs were still wet, and he was having to really work to breathe.
Logan was whisked into neo-nates, and had tubes put in his nose (to supply extra O2 and increase the pressure in his lungs, making it easier to breather) and throat (to remove excess 02 from his stomach), as well as an IV line to provide glucose. I didn't get a chance to hold him, and he was nil by mouth so Juliette couldn't feed him.
I finally went home around 5 am, after getting Juliette tucked in for the night. Got home at 5:30 am, gave the dogs breakfast and crashed until I called work at 8 am to advise that I wasn't coming in due to our son's early arrival. I got back to the hospital to find that Logan was now breathing well on his own, but was still in an incubator in neo-nates.
He's had two good feeds from Juliette now, and I've had a chance to hold him. I've even changed his nappy once (which is one more time than Juliette!). Mother and baby are doing well, and I'll be back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to see them both.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Latest specialist check up
We saw Meera today and she reassured us that she is happy with your size especially as you have been putting weight on consistently from her now Mummy feels a little better as even though the scan technician said the size issue was not to a worrying degree as you will discover Mummy does have a tendency to worry about things just a little :o)
Mummy has been feeling sore in her pelvic region and lower back though and Meera says this is because you are descending in the pelvic area....just don't do this too quickly Chickling as you still need a little more cooking (well Mummy would prefer you had a little more anyway).
We will see Meera again in another week so it will be interesting to note any changes.
Last week of work for Mummy, only 4 sleeps left (not that she is counting lol).
Mummy has been feeling sore in her pelvic region and lower back though and Meera says this is because you are descending in the pelvic area....just don't do this too quickly Chickling as you still need a little more cooking (well Mummy would prefer you had a little more anyway).
We will see Meera again in another week so it will be interesting to note any changes.
Last week of work for Mummy, only 4 sleeps left (not that she is counting lol).
Friday, November 13, 2009
4 weeks left!!
Well it's been a while since Mummy wrote an update so I thought I had better do so.
Lots has been happening as usual lol.
Specialist check up and scan
As per Daddy's entry (below) we saw Meera on Monday and she asked us to get a more detailed scan which we did yesterday. Scan results are all good - the blood flow from the placenta to you (via the umbilical cord) is good and everything looks well - Mummy and Daddy saw for themselves that you are definitely a boy!! The only worry is that you are little on the small side for your dates at 2.4kg but the scan technician said not worryingly so (17th percentile). We will see Meera again on Monday so will ask her thoughts then too. It was lovely to see another detailed scan again but no great images for upload though - will just have to wait until you pop out! The technician did say you were chewing on your umbilical cord though - well gumming it given you have no teeth yet :o)
Breastfeeding classes
We had our two breastfeeding class sessions at Wellington Hospital on Monday 2nd and 9th November. The instructor, Penny Wyatt, was just amazing - so enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Even Daddy thought that the classes were good value and very informative - we just have to wait for you to arrive now so that we can have some live practice!
We would definitely recommend the classes to any first time parents (prior to birth) and Penny is also part of the Mamalicious Team so you can go to the classes via them as well.
Antenatal classes
We had our last antenatal class on Tuesday and had a shared supper. Again definitely something we would recommend to parents - so informative and such a wonderful relaxed atmosphere. Mummy has decided to also enrol for Baby and You classes once you arrive and we have our first coffee group meeting on Wednesday 25 November at 10.30am.
Hypnobirthing classes
These finished up a couple of weekends ago and again we found them good value - though we are a bit "classed out" so to speak!! The most helpful thing I think we have learnt is the breathing and relaxing techniques :o)
Our very last course/class that we are doing is on 1 December and that is CPR for Babies and Toddlers!
7 more sleeps to go until I finish!! Not that I am counting of course lol. Mummy is getting a little sore now (I think because you are head butting my bladder you cheeky monkey) and can not sleep as well so I am definitely ready to finish work next Friday (20th November).
Baby Shower
Aunty Flop threw a baby shower for Mummy and you last weekend and it was lovely. Everyone was so generous and it was nice to catch up with lots of people at the same time! Aunty Flop did a great job organising it so you will have to give her lots of cuddles when you arrive :o)
Your room
We haven't made as much progress here as Mummy would like - perhaps all those classes lol...Mummy also tends to need naps over the weekend for some reason! We have managed to start sorting out your clothes and we should be able to get the majority of things sorted out this weekend so watch this space for an update and more pictures!
Well I think that is everything that has been happening to date...whew!! Best go and get a few other jobs done before I need to head off to work - did I mention 7 sleeps to go!
Lots of love, Mummy
Lots has been happening as usual lol.
Specialist check up and scan
As per Daddy's entry (below) we saw Meera on Monday and she asked us to get a more detailed scan which we did yesterday. Scan results are all good - the blood flow from the placenta to you (via the umbilical cord) is good and everything looks well - Mummy and Daddy saw for themselves that you are definitely a boy!! The only worry is that you are little on the small side for your dates at 2.4kg but the scan technician said not worryingly so (17th percentile). We will see Meera again on Monday so will ask her thoughts then too. It was lovely to see another detailed scan again but no great images for upload though - will just have to wait until you pop out! The technician did say you were chewing on your umbilical cord though - well gumming it given you have no teeth yet :o)
Breastfeeding classes
We had our two breastfeeding class sessions at Wellington Hospital on Monday 2nd and 9th November. The instructor, Penny Wyatt, was just amazing - so enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Even Daddy thought that the classes were good value and very informative - we just have to wait for you to arrive now so that we can have some live practice!
We would definitely recommend the classes to any first time parents (prior to birth) and Penny is also part of the Mamalicious Team so you can go to the classes via them as well.
Antenatal classes
We had our last antenatal class on Tuesday and had a shared supper. Again definitely something we would recommend to parents - so informative and such a wonderful relaxed atmosphere. Mummy has decided to also enrol for Baby and You classes once you arrive and we have our first coffee group meeting on Wednesday 25 November at 10.30am.
Hypnobirthing classes
These finished up a couple of weekends ago and again we found them good value - though we are a bit "classed out" so to speak!! The most helpful thing I think we have learnt is the breathing and relaxing techniques :o)
Our very last course/class that we are doing is on 1 December and that is CPR for Babies and Toddlers!
7 more sleeps to go until I finish!! Not that I am counting of course lol. Mummy is getting a little sore now (I think because you are head butting my bladder you cheeky monkey) and can not sleep as well so I am definitely ready to finish work next Friday (20th November).
Baby Shower
Aunty Flop threw a baby shower for Mummy and you last weekend and it was lovely. Everyone was so generous and it was nice to catch up with lots of people at the same time! Aunty Flop did a great job organising it so you will have to give her lots of cuddles when you arrive :o)
Your room
We haven't made as much progress here as Mummy would like - perhaps all those classes lol...Mummy also tends to need naps over the weekend for some reason! We have managed to start sorting out your clothes and we should be able to get the majority of things sorted out this weekend so watch this space for an update and more pictures!
Well I think that is everything that has been happening to date...whew!! Best go and get a few other jobs done before I need to head off to work - did I mention 7 sleeps to go!
Lots of love, Mummy
Monday, November 9, 2009
More news
Today was a bit hectic. We had to leave work early and dash out to Lower Hutt for an appointment with Dr Sood at 3:45, then come back into Welly for the second breastfeeding class at 6:00.
Baby's all good, still got a strong heartbeat, though Meera had some problems doing a proper scan on her dinky little machine, so we're going to the lab in town for scans on a real machine.
Baby's all good, still got a strong heartbeat, though Meera had some problems doing a proper scan on her dinky little machine, so we're going to the lab in town for scans on a real machine.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Latest check-up
We had another appointment with Meera on Monday, and everything's good: baby's the right size and weight for his "age" (1.9 to 2.0 kgs, or 4.2 to 4.4 lbs), heart is beating strong, and he's in the head-down position (gives him plenty of room to kick Juliette in the ribs!).
Friday, October 9, 2009
Your room!!
Well Mummy and Daddy have finally got the furniture into your room and have set it out how they think you will like it :o)
We still have to put some pictures up on the wall and some sorting of clothes and boxes etc to do but overall we are very pleased with how it is looking....course this DOES NOT mean that you can come out yet!!
Love Mummy XXOO

We still have to put some pictures up on the wall and some sorting of clothes and boxes etc to do but overall we are very pleased with how it is looking....course this DOES NOT mean that you can come out yet!!
Love Mummy XXOO

Monday, October 5, 2009
10 weeks to go!!
Well Mummy is 3/4 of the way through growing you now and all is still going well.
We saw our Obstetrician Meera on Thursday and she confirmed that you are definitely a boy, looking all healthy, head down, good size for your gestational age and currently 1.4-1.6kg in size!!
It will be interesting to see how much you have grown at our next appointment in 2 weeks time.
Your room is slowly making progress and hopefully will be looking a lot more like your room after the next couple of weekends.
Love Mummy
We saw our Obstetrician Meera on Thursday and she confirmed that you are definitely a boy, looking all healthy, head down, good size for your gestational age and currently 1.4-1.6kg in size!!
It will be interesting to see how much you have grown at our next appointment in 2 weeks time.
Your room is slowly making progress and hopefully will be looking a lot more like your room after the next couple of weekends.
Love Mummy
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lots of preparations!!
Mummy and Daddy have been very busy lately with baby preparations/courses as we are gearing up for your arrival in December.
Antenatal classes
Our antenatal classes started last Tuesday (so we have had 2 so far) and finish up on Tuesday 3 November. Our class is quite large - 13 couples - and the due dates range from early November to mid December.
Tonight we watched the birthing video which was a rather old one and nothing to write home about - a few people had said to us prior to the class that it was a bit much and they hadn't wanted to watch it but I would rather be prepared and neither of us thought it was that bad at all!
We also talked about what to pack in our hospital bags tonight so I am currently making a list and trying to make sure I don't forget anything, I think I will need 3 bags - one for me, one for Dada and one for you :o)
Hospital visit
On Wednesday last week (23 September) we had our checking in appointment at Hutt Hospital. We filled in some forms (well mostly I did), had a chat with the hospital midwife and then took a tour of the facilities. We were both very impressed and the midwife was lovely. I especially liked the fact that there is a corner bath available in every birthing room.
Hypnobirthing classes
Hypnobirthing classes start this Sunday and finish on Sunday 1 November. For more information on hypnobirthing you can refer to this link
Basically hypnobirthing teaches you deep relaxation techniques and how to work with your body throughout labour - and hey it can't hurt to be extra prepared!
Your room
We are steadily making progress on your room. Painting is now finished and Dada has done a wonderful job - a real labour of love for him. This weekend we will try and squeeze in some time to start sorting out the furniture etc and will put some photos up once it is all ready.
Birth of Connor
And last but by no means least yesterday Mummy and Dada became an Aunty and Uncle!!! Your Aunty Miranda had your cousin Connor John Nigel Wharton 4 weeks early - don't you go getting any ideas little one, just stay in there until at least 2 weeks before your due date!
Connor weighed in at 6 pound and 5 ounces and is just gorgeous and doing really well especially for being so early!
Night, night Chickling and remember no ideas about coming out any time soon (I am sure Mummy will change her tune about this in several weeks time) :o)
Antenatal classes
Our antenatal classes started last Tuesday (so we have had 2 so far) and finish up on Tuesday 3 November. Our class is quite large - 13 couples - and the due dates range from early November to mid December.
Tonight we watched the birthing video which was a rather old one and nothing to write home about - a few people had said to us prior to the class that it was a bit much and they hadn't wanted to watch it but I would rather be prepared and neither of us thought it was that bad at all!
We also talked about what to pack in our hospital bags tonight so I am currently making a list and trying to make sure I don't forget anything, I think I will need 3 bags - one for me, one for Dada and one for you :o)
Hospital visit
On Wednesday last week (23 September) we had our checking in appointment at Hutt Hospital. We filled in some forms (well mostly I did), had a chat with the hospital midwife and then took a tour of the facilities. We were both very impressed and the midwife was lovely. I especially liked the fact that there is a corner bath available in every birthing room.
Hypnobirthing classes
Hypnobirthing classes start this Sunday and finish on Sunday 1 November. For more information on hypnobirthing you can refer to this link
Basically hypnobirthing teaches you deep relaxation techniques and how to work with your body throughout labour - and hey it can't hurt to be extra prepared!
Your room
We are steadily making progress on your room. Painting is now finished and Dada has done a wonderful job - a real labour of love for him. This weekend we will try and squeeze in some time to start sorting out the furniture etc and will put some photos up once it is all ready.
Birth of Connor
And last but by no means least yesterday Mummy and Dada became an Aunty and Uncle!!! Your Aunty Miranda had your cousin Connor John Nigel Wharton 4 weeks early - don't you go getting any ideas little one, just stay in there until at least 2 weeks before your due date!
Connor weighed in at 6 pound and 5 ounces and is just gorgeous and doing really well especially for being so early!
Night, night Chickling and remember no ideas about coming out any time soon (I am sure Mummy will change her tune about this in several weeks time) :o)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Finished painting the baby's room, and have got all the furniture out of the hallway. Next step is to figure out where to put what, and to put the change table and cot together.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The third trimester - already!!!
I can't believe it - we were checking the dates yesterday and as of Friday I am officially in my third trimester!!!
We had a lovely dinner out last night for Uncle Cameron's birthday at Las Margarita's - minus the Margarita's for me but Daddy took advantage of the fact that Mummy could not drink and had a couple himself. I had corn chips and guacamole for dinner - best guacamole I have every had, then I had the caramel crepes for dessert - they were sooooo yummy and caused much dancing by you little chickling so I think you liked them too lol!
Daddy is busy putting the final coat on your room little one - and on Father's Day no less - what a good Dada he is! Soon we will be able to start putting some furniture in your room, though as Daddy is away next weekend I think we will need to wait for the following one or Mummy will be seriously told off by Daddy for lifting heavy things :o)
Once Daddy is done we will go out to lunch for Father's Day and then poor Daddy has to come back and write an assignment - luckily he will have finished his university studies by the time you arrive or I think poor Dada would be seriously overworked!
Mummy must go do some washing now while the sun is out, she has a feeling there may be neverending washing for some time once you arrive!
Love Mummy XX00
We had a lovely dinner out last night for Uncle Cameron's birthday at Las Margarita's - minus the Margarita's for me but Daddy took advantage of the fact that Mummy could not drink and had a couple himself. I had corn chips and guacamole for dinner - best guacamole I have every had, then I had the caramel crepes for dessert - they were sooooo yummy and caused much dancing by you little chickling so I think you liked them too lol!
Daddy is busy putting the final coat on your room little one - and on Father's Day no less - what a good Dada he is! Soon we will be able to start putting some furniture in your room, though as Daddy is away next weekend I think we will need to wait for the following one or Mummy will be seriously told off by Daddy for lifting heavy things :o)
Once Daddy is done we will go out to lunch for Father's Day and then poor Daddy has to come back and write an assignment - luckily he will have finished his university studies by the time you arrive or I think poor Dada would be seriously overworked!
Mummy must go do some washing now while the sun is out, she has a feeling there may be neverending washing for some time once you arrive!
Love Mummy XX00
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
25/26 week check up!
Today we saw our specialist, Meera Sood, for the 25/26 week check up.
Other than the reassurance of seeing Meera our favourite thing is getting to see our little man on the ultrasound, today the cheeky monkey kicked the ultrasound scanner just to say hi lol!
All is going well, Chickling is the right size for his age (based on head, stomach and leg measurements), weighs about 700 grams and the amount of fluid around him looks good. His heartbeat is nice and strong as it has always been and Meera was pleased with the progress.
My vitamin B12 levels have been low but they have risen again and Meera is happy for me to continue without the need for B12 injections as long as my levels stay above 100 (currently we are at 125 and normal range starts at 130).
I was checking my weight loss records today and since conception (taken as the date of my last period 6/3/09) I have lost 11 kilograms, not bad considering I could have put on about that much by now! Meera is not worried about me continuing to lose weight as she says that baby will take whatever he needs and leave me with the rest :o)
The only hiccup so far has been that last week when I had my 18 month follow up for my gastric bypass the gastric specialist thought I may be developing an incisional hernia. Naturally this caused us some worry but Meera is not concerned and says it should not affect my ability to have a natural birth, so I am going to make a concerted effort not to worry about it!
Chickling is currently busy kicking me so I guess he wants to say hello...."Hello"!
Off to bed for us now,
Love Mummy and Chickling
Other than the reassurance of seeing Meera our favourite thing is getting to see our little man on the ultrasound, today the cheeky monkey kicked the ultrasound scanner just to say hi lol!
All is going well, Chickling is the right size for his age (based on head, stomach and leg measurements), weighs about 700 grams and the amount of fluid around him looks good. His heartbeat is nice and strong as it has always been and Meera was pleased with the progress.
My vitamin B12 levels have been low but they have risen again and Meera is happy for me to continue without the need for B12 injections as long as my levels stay above 100 (currently we are at 125 and normal range starts at 130).
I was checking my weight loss records today and since conception (taken as the date of my last period 6/3/09) I have lost 11 kilograms, not bad considering I could have put on about that much by now! Meera is not worried about me continuing to lose weight as she says that baby will take whatever he needs and leave me with the rest :o)
The only hiccup so far has been that last week when I had my 18 month follow up for my gastric bypass the gastric specialist thought I may be developing an incisional hernia. Naturally this caused us some worry but Meera is not concerned and says it should not affect my ability to have a natural birth, so I am going to make a concerted effort not to worry about it!
Chickling is currently busy kicking me so I guess he wants to say hello...."Hello"!
Off to bed for us now,
Love Mummy and Chickling
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hello there Chickling - or should I say Mr Octopus (due to the amount of wriggling you are doing of late lol).
It has been a while so I thought it was time for an update! Yes, Mummy has been slack - though partly it was due to the internet not working at home for nearly a month!!
Dada and I have enrolled in prenatal classes at the Mana Parent's Centre, hypnobirthing classes, breastfeeding classes and hopefully a baby and infants CPR class as well - that is certainly going to keep us very busy!!!
I can't believe that in a couple of weeks I will be in the 3rd trimester and that you will be here in about 3 months time!! Mummy still doesn't really have a noticeable bump - probably because you are filling in the space from me losing lots of weight (and I haven't put any on really since I got pregnant) but my tummy is definitely firmer and I know you are there because of the squirming :o)
Mummy is starting to find it harder to get comfortable at night time but a few extra pillows help and I feel like I am in a nest....of course I just get comfortable and then you start your Octopus act (I do feel you moving during the day too but I think you are definitely more active at night time - though that could also be because I am lying still and paying more attention)! I don't mind really, whenever you move I feel very reassured that you are all okay in there and I feel connected to you so end up smiling too. Dada has felt you move several times too now so is quite chuffed about that. He has also been reading to us a little at night time which will help you learn to recognise his voice more - as you get to hear Mummy rabbit on all day :o)
We are off to see Meera (our specialist) on Wednesday and we will get to see you on the ultrasound again which we always love :o)
Night, night my little one (though you always seem to be awake at night time!)
Lots of love from Mummy XX00
It has been a while so I thought it was time for an update! Yes, Mummy has been slack - though partly it was due to the internet not working at home for nearly a month!!
Dada and I have enrolled in prenatal classes at the Mana Parent's Centre, hypnobirthing classes, breastfeeding classes and hopefully a baby and infants CPR class as well - that is certainly going to keep us very busy!!!
I can't believe that in a couple of weeks I will be in the 3rd trimester and that you will be here in about 3 months time!! Mummy still doesn't really have a noticeable bump - probably because you are filling in the space from me losing lots of weight (and I haven't put any on really since I got pregnant) but my tummy is definitely firmer and I know you are there because of the squirming :o)
Mummy is starting to find it harder to get comfortable at night time but a few extra pillows help and I feel like I am in a nest....of course I just get comfortable and then you start your Octopus act (I do feel you moving during the day too but I think you are definitely more active at night time - though that could also be because I am lying still and paying more attention)! I don't mind really, whenever you move I feel very reassured that you are all okay in there and I feel connected to you so end up smiling too. Dada has felt you move several times too now so is quite chuffed about that. He has also been reading to us a little at night time which will help you learn to recognise his voice more - as you get to hear Mummy rabbit on all day :o)
We are off to see Meera (our specialist) on Wednesday and we will get to see you on the ultrasound again which we always love :o)
Night, night my little one (though you always seem to be awake at night time!)
Lots of love from Mummy XX00
Sunday, August 9, 2009
It's (probably) a boy!
Monday, July 27, 2009
For your entertainment, we managed to hook the foetal heartbeat monitor up to the laptop on Saturday, and recorded the baby's heartbeat.
Two days till we find if the baby's a boy or a girl...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
In limbo....
Well Mum feels a little like she is in limbo right now, past the first trimester so not as tired but only 15 weeks (as of Friday) so cannot feel you moving around just yet and still 5 weeks to go to the 20 week scan and we can find out if you will be a boy or girl (provided you are not too shy that is)! Mummy is getting impatient...Daddy would say that this happens a lot with Mummy :)
We next see Meera after the 20 week scan so not til the end of July - Mummy bet check that appointment card to see exactly when it is!!
Not much else is happening right now, we need to move some things around in the house so that the kitties are not being fed in the room which will now be yours and then we will need to start sorting that out as Daddy wants to paint it for you :)
It is getting pretty late now so Mummy thinks we should both go to bed.
Lots of love,
Mummy and Daddy
We next see Meera after the 20 week scan so not til the end of July - Mummy bet check that appointment card to see exactly when it is!!
Not much else is happening right now, we need to move some things around in the house so that the kitties are not being fed in the room which will now be yours and then we will need to start sorting that out as Daddy wants to paint it for you :)
It is getting pretty late now so Mummy thinks we should both go to bed.
Lots of love,
Mummy and Daddy
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Ever better odds
Just heard from Meera again, and the blood tests are back from Australia. The odds of our chickling having Downs syndrome have gone from 1 in 350 (based purely on Juliette's age), to 1 in 6800 (based on mucal translucency) to 1 in 70,000. I like dem odds!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Time for the big reveal!!
Well we saw Meera again today and everything with the scan is good - the down syndrome risk has dropped from 1:350 to 1:7000 so very reassuring!
We actually got to see Chickling move on the scan Meera did today which was so awesome - such a thrill :o)
So now we wait a couple of months before the 20 week scan when we can find out the sex (provided baby co-operates) and then we see Meera again to review.
And of course now we feel reassured that all is well we can tell EVERYONE!! We've already been to visit my Nan and tell her and I am going to call my Nana (Dad's Mum) shortly.
We actually got to see Chickling move on the scan Meera did today which was so awesome - such a thrill :o)
So now we wait a couple of months before the 20 week scan when we can find out the sex (provided baby co-operates) and then we see Meera again to review.
And of course now we feel reassured that all is well we can tell EVERYONE!! We've already been to visit my Nan and tell her and I am going to call my Nana (Dad's Mum) shortly.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The 12 week scan!!
Well today was a very exciting day - we had the 12 week scan!!
We got to see Chickling's arms, legs, head etc and even got the hear the heartbeat. The sonographer said it was steady and strong which was good :o)
It was so exciting to be able to see more details of Chickling and to know that according to the length measurements (bubs is 56mm long) the due date is one 1 day off what we had calculated.
On Wednesday we have another appointment with Meera to go over the results and if everything is all okay then we will annouce our good news to the half of the world we haven't told yet!
Chickling's first photo is below!!
We got to see Chickling's arms, legs, head etc and even got the hear the heartbeat. The sonographer said it was steady and strong which was good :o)
It was so exciting to be able to see more details of Chickling and to know that according to the length measurements (bubs is 56mm long) the due date is one 1 day off what we had calculated.
On Wednesday we have another appointment with Meera to go over the results and if everything is all okay then we will annouce our good news to the half of the world we haven't told yet!
Chickling's first photo is below!!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Okay, now it's real
We had our first appointment with the specialist today. She's very nice, and we both felt really comfortable around her.
The highlight of the visit was the ultrasound scan, where Dr Sood gave us our first view of our chickling -- we even got to see the heartbeat! Dr Sood said it was very strong, and everything looked good.
And yes, there appears to be only one chickling.
Next scan is set for 29 May, which is where they do the test for Downs' syndrome. Then we have another appointment with Dr Sood on 3 June. Hopefully, everything will continue to be good, and we'll then start letting everyone know. :-)
Friday, May 8, 2009
More blood tests
Well I have been feeling VERY tired so I went to see the doctor on Tuesday to get my vitamin levels checked. The doctor thinks it was just normal pregnancy tiredness and me having a cold and as the blood test results are all good - including the very high Hcg level (responsible for the morning sickness!) - I am not too concerned. Just over a week until we see the specialist and I am currently 9 weeks pregnant (approximately).

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Well I asked for it!
Tonight I experienced what I would most definitely classify as morning sickness, except that it was evening - typical me!!
Hadn't eaten anything and was just sitting at my desk when I suddenly just felt like I needed to be sick...and so I was, thankfully not at my desk.
It wasn't too bad, I have experienced worse after my bypass and to be honest I am makes this whole pregnancy thing seem more real!
2.5 weeks until we see the specialist now...not that I am counting :o)
Keep on growing lil Chickling, Mummy can't wait to meet you XX00
Hadn't eaten anything and was just sitting at my desk when I suddenly just felt like I needed to be sick...and so I was, thankfully not at my desk.
It wasn't too bad, I have experienced worse after my bypass and to be honest I am makes this whole pregnancy thing seem more real!
2.5 weeks until we see the specialist now...not that I am counting :o)
Keep on growing lil Chickling, Mummy can't wait to meet you XX00
Saturday, April 25, 2009
You have a heartbeat!
Well Mummy is now 7 weeks pregnant - it is a little interesting how this works because the doctors count the first day of pregnancy as the first day of Mummy's last period which was 6 March. Of course Mummy did not actually get pregnant until a couple of weeks later but as the doctors can rarely tell what this date is accurately they count from the first day of the mother's last period.
Anyway, you are probably not going to understand all that until you get quite a bit older which is fine by Mummy! The point is that now you have a heartbeat :o) Mummy and Daddy have the first appointment with your specialist on 18 May which is just over 3 weeks away and then we will get to hear your heartbeat - I can't wait :oD
Mummy is still buying a few things for you (and for her) but is trying to be restrained - this does not come naturally to Mummy by the way!
Mummy has also been feeling a little tired, though not very sick so I am hoping this will kick in soon as this is supposed to indicate that you are doing well and growing. Though of course Mummy may regret saying this once the morning sickness does kick in!
Sleep tight my little Chickling, Mummy and Daddy love you very much XXOO
Anyway, you are probably not going to understand all that until you get quite a bit older which is fine by Mummy! The point is that now you have a heartbeat :o) Mummy and Daddy have the first appointment with your specialist on 18 May which is just over 3 weeks away and then we will get to hear your heartbeat - I can't wait :oD
Mummy is still buying a few things for you (and for her) but is trying to be restrained - this does not come naturally to Mummy by the way!
Mummy has also been feeling a little tired, though not very sick so I am hoping this will kick in soon as this is supposed to indicate that you are doing well and growing. Though of course Mummy may regret saying this once the morning sickness does kick in!
Sleep tight my little Chickling, Mummy and Daddy love you very much XXOO
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hello there little chickling
Hello little one
We're just under 8 weeks away from when we have the first scan, and if all goes well, we'll be able to tell everyone that you're on your way. Of course, it's the longest 8 weeks ever. I keep wanting to tell people about you -- I almost gave the game away at work today!
We're just under 8 weeks away from when we have the first scan, and if all goes well, we'll be able to tell everyone that you're on your way. Of course, it's the longest 8 weeks ever. I keep wanting to tell people about you -- I almost gave the game away at work today!
So, 8 weeks and then you become general knowledge. In the meantime, Mummy and I just share a private smile whenever the topic of babies comes up.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Just a little bit of shopping....
Hey little chickling,
Mummy has been doing a little shopping lately, she likes to be prepared and to plan ahead as Daddy knows well and I am sure you will learn quickly :o)
The biggest purchase so far has been a second hand lazyboy off TradeMe as Mummy wanted a comfortable chair that she could feed you in when you arrive. Mummy and Daddy will go and pick that up on Sunday.
Mummy has also worked out exactly which cot and change table she wants to get for you but we are going to wait a bit longer before we get those. Of course now Mummy knows the current best price and can keep an eye out for bargains!
When you first come home you will be sleeping in a hammock which your Aunty Sarah and Uncle Jason are kindly lending to us. Aunty Sarah tells us that this will be good for your developing spine (and she would know as she is a chiropracter) and will also help you feel more settled when you first arrive in this strange new world.
Your furry guardians to be, Summer and Merlin, have not yet worked out that something is different with Mummy but I think they will soon.
The little baby cam at the bottom of your blog tells us that you already have a heartbeat, which is very cool, but that it just can't be heard by the doctors yet. It also tells us that you are growing very quickly at the moment, perhaps that is why Mummy has been a little more tired than usual - oh dear, you are already wearing her out :o)
Lots of love and butterfly kisses,
Your Mummy
Mummy has been doing a little shopping lately, she likes to be prepared and to plan ahead as Daddy knows well and I am sure you will learn quickly :o)
The biggest purchase so far has been a second hand lazyboy off TradeMe as Mummy wanted a comfortable chair that she could feed you in when you arrive. Mummy and Daddy will go and pick that up on Sunday.
Mummy has also worked out exactly which cot and change table she wants to get for you but we are going to wait a bit longer before we get those. Of course now Mummy knows the current best price and can keep an eye out for bargains!
When you first come home you will be sleeping in a hammock which your Aunty Sarah and Uncle Jason are kindly lending to us. Aunty Sarah tells us that this will be good for your developing spine (and she would know as she is a chiropracter) and will also help you feel more settled when you first arrive in this strange new world.
Your furry guardians to be, Summer and Merlin, have not yet worked out that something is different with Mummy but I think they will soon.
The little baby cam at the bottom of your blog tells us that you already have a heartbeat, which is very cool, but that it just can't be heard by the doctors yet. It also tells us that you are growing very quickly at the moment, perhaps that is why Mummy has been a little more tired than usual - oh dear, you are already wearing her out :o)
Lots of love and butterfly kisses,
Your Mummy
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hello baby!
Hello baby - it's your Mummy here :o)
Daddy and I found out that you were on the way just over a week ago (on Friday the 3rd of April). We are both very excited but still can't quite believe how lucky we are that you are on the way!
Mummy has been feeling a little tired but not too sick and has already booked in with a specialist so that we can make sure that everything goes well and you will be wonderfully healthy when you arrive. Your specialist doctor's name is Meera Sood and we will be going to meet her on 18 May - Mummy will be 8 weeks pregnant then!
You are due to arrive in this world on December 11 (which is a Friday) and Mummy and Daddy already can't wait to meet you - it still seems so far away. Right now we are focusing on when Mummy will be 12 weeks pregnant with you and we can share our joy with more family and friends (we have already told a few special people as we were sooo excited)!
Lots of love,
Daddy and I found out that you were on the way just over a week ago (on Friday the 3rd of April). We are both very excited but still can't quite believe how lucky we are that you are on the way!
Mummy has been feeling a little tired but not too sick and has already booked in with a specialist so that we can make sure that everything goes well and you will be wonderfully healthy when you arrive. Your specialist doctor's name is Meera Sood and we will be going to meet her on 18 May - Mummy will be 8 weeks pregnant then!
You are due to arrive in this world on December 11 (which is a Friday) and Mummy and Daddy already can't wait to meet you - it still seems so far away. Right now we are focusing on when Mummy will be 12 weeks pregnant with you and we can share our joy with more family and friends (we have already told a few special people as we were sooo excited)!
Lots of love,
Why "chicklings"?
Occasionally, when Juliette gets in one of her funny moods (literally -- she'll be completely incapable of being serious, which is very endearing), I refer to her as my "crazy chicken". Hence, the baby she's carrying is our "chickling".
Logical, no?